Sunday, February 26, 2012

APU TOUR - Day 26

Some photos removed as per request

Henry outside the Victoria Legislature
It has been a whirlwind of a month filled with speaking engagements, meetings, and fundraisers, with the occasional bit of recreation and pure fun thrown in!  Everywhere we go the energy of APU supporters helps to motivate us and the growing momentum of support for our GIRLS ON THE MOVE is evident in the number of people who  are eager to share their ideas, support, and energy as well as pledging their support in the form of sponsorships for our girls, and funding for construction.

It is snowing outside today and I am personally very pleased that Henry is finally learning about a real Alberta winter after such unseasonably warm weather. Today is a much needed day off and Henry is spending the day learning to snowshoe and ski at Castle Mountain in Pincher Creek.  It hasn't taken him long to figure out which button to press to turn on the seat warmer and is racing me for the front seat in any vehicle that might have one.  We are both feeling a wee bit sluggish after too many hours riding in cars on the way to make various presentations and too many rich meals at Rotary meetings, but we certainly can't complain!

Schools Visited:
SMUS Senior School
Pearson College
Interact Clubs
Dawson Creek
Oak Bay

Rotaract Clubs Visited:
University of Lethbridge

Rotary Club of Olds, Alberta, Cheque Presentation
Rotary Clubs Visited
Royal Oak
Nanaimo Daybreak
Oak Bay
Sidney By The Sea

Stony Plain
Spruce Grove
Parkland After Dark
Northern Lights
St. Albert
RC of Calgary Downtown
RC Calgary South
Lethbridge East
Lethbridge Urban Spirits
Lethbridge Sunrise

Community Visits
Metchosin House
University of Lethbridge Health Sciences
Southern Alberta Teacher's Convention

As you can see, Henry and I have truly been ON THE MOVE in an attempt to keep Atsikana Pa Ulendo also ON THE MOVE!  
Take care everyone, and thanks for all of your support!

Simon, Laura, Henry, boating in Pedder Bay, Vancouver Island

Christie and Henry, Calgary Stampede Grounds

Henry's First Sled Ride

Rotary Club of Calgary Downtown