Dinna Mwale assists Tama to find a book in the new Primary Library. The library is located in a storeroom off the main library which also houses a growing Teachers Resource Library.
APU grads Dinna Mwale and Fydes Bosten have been volunteering in the library prior to beginning their next semester at Bunda College. In the past 3 weeks they have processed over 600 books! Dinna graduated in 2011 and is is in first year Agriculture Extension while Fydes graduated in 2013 and is in second year of Horticulture.
New at APU this year is the Student Library Assistants program. Ten students each volunteer one hour a week checking books in and out using the new card system, shelving books and doing other library tasks. Below Leah and Miracle stamp book pockets. In the background is librarian Mr. Vimango.
Library Assistants Alinafe and Wezzie keep the fiction section in good order.
Memory spends some quiet time trying out some new paints with a few of the primary children. The primary school is in the background.